Janet jacksonに憧れて沖縄アクターズスクールで歌とダンスを習い、Super Monky'sの一員として安室奈美恵、MAXとデビュー。
振付代表作品はNHK紅白出場NMB48「カモネギックス」とOBP「Base make」
Hisako Arakaki,a former member of Super Monkey's debut with Namie Amuro and Max in Okinawa.After her retirement as a performer,Hisako who was influenced by Janet Jackson pursued her career as a chereogrpher.During her training days in New York,she won a solo dance championship at world famous Appollo Theatre where many performers and artist like Lauryn Hill begin their road to stardom.
In earlier years in her career,she coached Daichi Miura,Speed,and Yu
Yamada as an instructor at Okinawa Actors School.
In recent years,Hisako has produced a chereogrph of "Helloagain" by K-POP artist, MYNAME and"kamonegikkusu"by NMB48.And second years in a roll,Hisako has produced a chereogrph of NMB48 for NHK Kohaku Uta Gatsen.Another chereogrph Hisako was involved was "Flying get" and "Heavy Rotation"by AKB48 with Anna Makino.
Hisako now puts her main focus on making Entertainment team of JAPAN.
And, representativend developing idols,artist,and new talents(beginners).